Unimatic x Hodinkee | Choose Your Adventure

Choose your Adventure

unimatic x hodinkee

Director: Henry Behel
Producer: Henry Behel and Tegan Bukowski
EP / Stills: Grey Korhonen
Co-Producer / Stills: Evan Robinson

Talent: Glyde Barbey, Nick Sharp, Kenan Eames
Director of Photography: Gus Bendinelli
Camera Airplane Pilot: Henry Behel

Picture Airplane Pilot: Walter Tyler

Picture Car Driver: Wayne Lambert

Sailboat Captain: Quincy Briscoe

Transpo Coordinator: Norbert Bukowski

1st ACs: Q Rodriguez, Steve Fitzpatrick
PA: Christy Soeder

Editor: Talia Pasqua
Colorist: Parker Jarvie // Company 3
Post-Production Sound: Empty Sea Audio | Mark Camperell and Alex Knickerbocker